I'm having some difficulty configuring PHP to integrate with MongoDB on my Mac.

I can confirm that PHP is running correctly, and the php.ini file I am tinkering with is the correct one (I can see phpinfo() results change accordingly).

I also have MongoDB running properly, from the command line and via a Node.js application.

I have installed PEAR, and have attempted to install the Mongo library via:

$ sudo pecl install mongodb

But this apparently fails with:

configure: error: Cannot find OpenSSL's <evp.h>
ERROR: `/private/tmp/pear/install/mongodb/configure --with-php-config=/usr/bin/php-config' failed

I guess this is why I can't find mongo.so or mongodb.so anywhere on my system, and why adding either of the following lines to my php.ini does absolutely nothing:


This whole thing manifests itself in the browser as:

Fatal error: Class 'Mongo' not found in /private/var/www/path/to/MyFile.php on line 8

And the code for MyFile.php is as follows:


try {
    $m = new Mongo();
    $db = $m->selectDB("records");
catch (MongoConnectionException $e){
    echo '<p>Couldn\'t connect to mongodb, is the "mongo" process running?</p>';
  • Even I am facing the same issue. Did you get any solution?
    – rahulb
    Commented Dec 19, 2017 at 2:26
  • Sorry @rahulb, I gave up in the end. I used AJAX calls to a Node.js API to get the job done, I think (it was a while ago).
    – HomerPlata
    Commented Dec 19, 2017 at 19:51


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