I am trying to make my Rasperry Pi remotely accesable. The problem that I am stuck with is that while remotely trying to SSH connect to my device I cannot login due to false credentials:

ssh -oKexAlgorithms=+diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 [email protected]

I guess I am trying to connect to the wrong device? I tried to setup my router to forward all Port 22 accesses to the local ip of my raspberry. I can also locally connect to the raspberry:

ssh [email protected]

To achieve this I tried to set up a NAT virtual server with a PVC0 interface:

Rule 0, Startport 22, Endport 22, Local IP Address:

What am I missing? How can I debug this problem?

P.S. I also checked with Open Ports that my Port 22 is open!

1 Answer 1


After hours of research the problem was that you cannot connect from an external IP through SSH while being a local member of the network.

I now connected to the Internet with the tethering help of my mobile phone and everything works just fine.

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