As written in the title.

After using the recovery tool to install the latest stock firmware from ASUS, the router has been unable to detect the modem to connect to the internet.

Changing it back to DD-WRT works.

What must I do to make this thing work with the stock firmware again?

  • What? I already wrote it in the title and post. The router is unable to detect the modem to connect to the internet after switching from DD-WRT to stock/Merlin. Commented Jan 31, 2017 at 8:55
  • Don't talk nonsense. Read the post, I quote myself. "After using the recovery tool to install the latest stock firmware from ASUS, the router has been unable to detect the modem to connect to the internet." How to be more specific? The router is unable to detect the modem to connect to the internet. Normally, it would detect the modem, but now it doesn't. Rebooting doesn't help. Factory reset doesn't help. Commented Jan 31, 2017 at 9:02
  • So the modem is a separate physical device? And they're connected by Ethernet? And the Ethernet link doesn't light up on either end? Or what? Commented Jan 31, 2017 at 9:02
  • Yes. Separate device. Connected by Ethernet. Modem detects the router, router does not detect the modem. Commented Jan 31, 2017 at 9:03
  • And the link lights don't come on for the Ethernet link? Commented Jan 31, 2017 at 9:03

1 Answer 1


I had this same issue but the other way around. When I went to dd-wrt from Merlin's firmware. What I did was, I unplugged the Asus router for 10 seconds and also pressed the reset button while off and then again when on (doubt doing both mattered but this is what I did). I then did the samething to my ISP's router/modem (which is bridged). Only then was I able to get the DHCP to work with dd-wrt.

I have the new Shaw "Wide Open" 150mbit plan which I had to trade in my old router/modem and given a new one last week. I don't like this new one I was given, its been a pain in the ass.

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