I'm want to access my Synology NAS with domain name.

So I made a new DDNS inside my NAS control panel test.synology.me then I can access my NAS through the Internet with test.synology.me:63924 (I don't know where the port come from) but without this port this DDNS don't work.

Then I added a new SRV records inside my domain name control panel.

nas IN SRV 10 40 63924 test.synology.me.

I waited 72h for the DNS propagation but I still getting an error when I'm trying accessing my NAS through the new subdomain pointing on this records.

This site can’t be reached

nas.okok.com’s server DNS address could not be found.

I tried with the test.quickconnect.to given by synology but I get the same error.

I have maybe created the wrong records ? Did I miss something ?

Do you have some clues ?

  • What does your setup look like? How did you try to access the site? The error would suggest it's resolved to an invalid domain.
    – Seth
    Commented Jan 10, 2017 at 9:42
  • I access the NAS with test.synology.me:63924 and I access the site with nas.okok.com who should redirect to my NAS
    – Jérôme
    Commented Jan 10, 2017 at 9:45
  • But you didn't define the actual name nas.okok.com but instead just a srv record? You could look into this as it looks like what you're trying to do. So you would end up (probably) with something like _nas._tcp.okok.com as the name. But you would need to have some application that actually handles the SRV record if I'm not mistaken.
    – Seth
    Commented Jan 10, 2017 at 10:07
  • "I don't know where the port come from" - It is the default port Synology uses.
    – Ramhound
    Commented Nov 13, 2017 at 16:38

1 Answer 1


You don't give details of your domain name control panel, so I can't be specific with instructions.

But I wouldn't expect the port to feature in your domain name record, what you need is a CNAME record mapping nas.okok.com to test.synology.me.

With that correct and propagated, you'd access it with nas.okok.com:63924.

If you don't like that you'll need to do a port forwarding on the internet modem/router that your nas is sitting behind and map external port 80 to port 63924 at your nas ip address.

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