I have a Razer Abyssus 1800 mouse, and can't change the mouse sensitivity in Kubuntu 16.04. These are my settings:

Screenshot showing window with the title "Mouse -- System settings. A tab called advanced is opn]

  • 2
    Can you clarify not being able to change the sensitivity? Is the problem that you can't find a specific setting for that? The adjustments in the settings menu are unresponsive? Settings have no effect?
    – fixer1234
    Commented Jan 7, 2017 at 23:56
  • What desktop environment (DE) are you using? Commented Jan 23, 2020 at 5:58

1 Answer 1


If you want to change the mouse sensitivity, this still works in KDE neon with Plasma 5.9. It's just like Kubuntu, except you get the latest KDE software. You don't need to use the libinput instruction the author added for Fedora users. https://patrickmn.com/aside/lowering-gaming-mouse-sensitivity-in-ubuntu-9-10/

Use xinput in a terminal to find your device. The author of the article used xinput --list --short, but I get the same result without the options.

A value higher than 1 lowers sensitivity. 2 is 1/2 sensitivity.

xinput --set-prop "Your device name in quotes" "Device Accel Constant Deceleration" 2

You can see your settings here.

xinput --list-props "Your device name in quotes"

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