Is there a way to set FileZilla to preserve the existing encoding of my text files, which are UTF-8, when transferring from Windows to a Linux server? In the FileZilla Site Manager, I have selected the Charset tab and chosen Use custom charset, and filled in UTF-8.

On the server, I can inspect the file with

file -i myfile.html

and it shows

myfile.html: text/html; charset=unknown-8bit.

Further, if I try to use iconv, it requires an input encoding. Trying

iconv -f unknown-8bit -t UTF-8 myfile.html

I get the error

iconv: conversion from `unknown-8bit' is not supported

If I try

iconv -f UTF-8 -t UTF-8 myfile.html

I get

illegal input sequence at position 344

which is the first position of a non ascii character.

  • I have it working now. Something went wrong on the Windows side where I created the text file. I had set the encoding type to UTF-8 but that setting apparently did not stick. (I'll don't know why.) I set it again, did the transfer, and now the encoding is correct in the Linux file. Commented Dec 10, 2016 at 16:10

1 Answer 1


Cannot you just transfer them in a binary mode?

Transfer > Transfer type > Binary.

  • That could help, though I did not try it. I finally did get the transfer to work - see my comment on the OP. Thanks. Commented Dec 10, 2016 at 16:08

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