I have recently installed the vulnerability scanner Nexpose on Kali Linux Rolling.

So far everything is working good. Unfortunately the installation made nexserv and nsc.sh run on startup. I can see this is my System Monitor.

I don't want to run Nexpose every time the system, as it uses a lot of resources and I will not be accessing Nexpose daily. Therefor I just want to start the service with service nexposeconsole start when I need to.

The issue is I can't find how to disable this. Here is what I have tried:

  • update-rc.d -f nsc.sh remove, update-rc.d -f nexserv remove, update-rc.d -f nexposeconsole remove, and nexposeconsole.service.
  • sysv-rc-conf and couldn't related services..
  • service --status-all and couldn't find related services.
  • The only thing that did work was rm /etc/systemd/system/nexposeconsole.service (obviously).

Can anyone help me with this? Thank you

1 Answer 1


I have discovered that (to my knowledge) this is apart of one service called systemctl.

To disable an application within the system we use the command sudo systemctl disable application_name.service. In my case, sudo systemctl disable nexposeconsole.service.

More information on this here.

I hope this helps anyone who runs into the same issues.

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