My Dell XPS 15 doesn't seem to sleep when I close the lid. I'll close it at night and when I open it in the morning the battery will be completely drained. I checked powercfg -requests but all categories show None. Any ideas as to what could be preventing sleep?

  • You will need to check a setting in the Control Panel's power settings to allow the machine to sleep when the lid is closed. Commented Nov 28, 2016 at 17:02
  • I checked my power settings and my profile was on High Performance. That explains it, thanks!
    – Lily Hahn
    Commented Nov 28, 2016 at 19:00

3 Answers 3


For Windows, there is a setting to keep the screen on and the computer awake even when the lid is closed.

This can be changed through the Control Panel -> Power Settings, and either changing the entire power plan to Balanced, or editing the power plan to change the setting for when the lid is closed.

  • I can't believe I didn't check this. Thanks!
    – Lily Hahn
    Commented Nov 28, 2016 at 19:26


I had an issue where my laptop was going into hibernate even though I was asking for it to stay in sleep mode longer. After generating powercfg /SYSTEMPOWERREPORT I noticed Drain (dozed to hibernate because the standby battery budget was exceeded). After searching this came up and also this https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/customize/power-settings/adaptive-hibernate which basically states that windows will transition to hibernate once a certain amount of battery is drained (even if the hibernate timer has not kicked in) Apparently this is powercfg /setdcvalueindex scheme_current sub_presence standbybudgetpercent 60 will increase that percentage


XPS 15 7590 in 2019 requires a slightly different approach.

First, you can make sure that your Connected Standby is draining your battery and placing your computer into hibernation:

 # run in admin PowerShell:
 powercfg.exe /systempowerreport /output $home\Desktop\power-report.html
 # open in browser:

If you see "Drain (dozed to hibernate because the standby battery budget was exceeded)", then the following can help.

Normally, you would turn off Connected Standby altogether by setting HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Power CsEnabled = 0, but due to an issue with the WiFi/Bluetooth adapter, you will completely lose Bluetooth on every wake up.

This worked for me (in the context of Connected Standby):

  1. Go to Windows Settings -> Power & Sleep -> Network Connection -> Disconnect from the network -> Always

  2. Open an admin PowerShell and run (you must have Chocolatey installed; alternatively you can install NSudo manually):

     choco install -y nsudo
  3. Open a new PowerShell window without restrictions:

     nsudo -U:S -P:E powershell
  4. In that window, disable tasks which torture your computer when you leave it idle for a few minutes:

     Get-ScheduledTask | Where-Object { $_.State -ne "Disabled" -and $_.Triggers -match "MSFT_TaskIdleTrigger"} | Disable-ScheduledTask
  5. Disable tasks which deplete your battery in Connected Standby, placing your computer in hibernation, and severely slowing the next startup when you open the lid:

     Get-ScheduledTask | Where-Object { $_.State -ne "Disabled" -and $_.settings.waketorun } | Disable-ScheduledTask

UPDATE 25/06/2020:

I've since found a better solution - increase the standby battery consumption budget from 5% to 60%. This will make it through the occasional night of being turned off without being on charger.

  powercfg /setdcvalueindex scheme_current sub_presence standbybudgetpercent 60
  • I don't understand what increasing the standby budget does. Does it avoid the laptop heating and battery drain when in modern standby? Commented Jul 13, 2020 at 21:11
  • @HermanToothrot it won't get hybernated / turned off. I don't have the issue of the laptop overheating on standby. Seems like your laptop is not even sleeping / is not on standby. Try Disable Network in the active sleep, or what is it called.
    – ypocat
    Commented Jul 14, 2020 at 17:11

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