Basically I bought a new laptop. From one of the disks I made 3 partitions one for windows sdb4, one for linux sdb5 and one for rest of the staff sdb6. To install Kali Linux I had to change boot setting in BIOS from UEFI to Legacy, as when I got to boot manager in UEFI there was not even one boot option, whole menu was empty. After installing Linux Grub did not see my windows.

I tried Os-prober that returned me nothing. I tried update grub, anyway did not help. Besides that I had access to that partition I tried to restore mbr by using these two commands.

sudo apt-get install mbr sudo install-mbr -i n -p D -t 0 /dev/sda

And now, when I turn on the PC I get


And that is all PC got stuck on this moment.

When I use

sudo fdisk - l I get respond that /dev/sdb4/(windows partition) type is microsoft basic data.

So how can I restore access to that partition without losing amy data? And have can I make dual boot?

I downloaded Windows 8.1 to repair it by Windows tools, but even then I get MBR FA: So I can not turn on my PC. Please help me. :<

  • Is the partition unreadable, or can you just not boot from it? If it is readable, try and run a GRUB repair disk. I've had a similar issue which was fixed by this. It is actually GRUB that isn't properly installed and therefore doesn't recongnise Windows. Alternatively, you might have to reinstall Windows in Legacy mode to get everything to work.
    – BramMooij
    Commented Nov 9, 2016 at 10:55
  • Partition is unreadable. When I go into gparted, it shows that pqrtition file system as unknown, and I can not even open it. Can I install Windows 8 while in legacy mode? When I run boot repair on USB it shows me Windows 8 boot files but there is info thwt I need UEFI to boot it. When I go into UEFi I got info that there is no OS on a PC.
    – Xull
    Commented Nov 9, 2016 at 13:20
  • Have you tried adding this disk as a second disk in another PC? Or tried booting from a live disk and seeing if you can access the disk then? By the way: It's now not very clear what exactly you have done, when you did it and what was still working at that time. You say you cannot boot, but you also mention linux commands you tried. This makes it confusing.
    – BramMooij
    Commented Nov 9, 2016 at 13:23
  • Yeah I was trying a lot of different commands to make Windows work together with Linux, and I screwed up something. Like I installed MBR in wrong disc or something. If I will have to I will just format the whole disc and start from the beginning, but I am worried about the boot menu. It is empty in UEFI can it means that there is some hardware problem?
    – Xull
    Commented Nov 9, 2016 at 13:29
  • My previous comment still holds,. It's not clear what is and isn't working for you now. Can you still boot into Linux? Or do you get the MBR FA error immediately after the BIOS?
    – BramMooij
    Commented Nov 9, 2016 at 13:47

1 Answer 1


Let's start with step 1: you want your data back. If possible try to either boot the computer from an external USB drive or put the drive in another computer, see if you can get the data from there.

Step 2. Set your bios to legacy mode (or create an UEFI bootable Kali Linux[1]. You want to install both windows and Linux. I'd first install Windows and create all the partitions you need during that install. After installing Windows, install Linux. Now you should be fine.

PS. in the case you still encounter problems with recognising Windows in GRUB, don't repair Windows, but repair GRUB instead.

[1] https://forums.kali.org/showthread.php?271-How-to-EFI-install-Kali-Linux

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