My windows 10 / explorer lags tremendously at certain intervals, to the point that music playing and mouse cursor stutter heavily. The problem always comes back after a while after restart.

Using ProcessHacker I was able to track it down to svchost, ntdll.dll, hanging on ntdll.dll!RtlAcquireSRWLockShared. The service MpsSvc seems to be windows firewall. This is the stack:

enter image description here

I can't see anything familiar in the stack, and am a general newb when it comes to debugging windows procedures. Can anyone make any sense of this?

The last two responses on this microsoft thread sound a lot like my problem. But naturally there is no answer there despite one being appointed.

  • how can I tell what it's querying from the disk?
  • how can I tell if/what it's parsing from the registry?
  • how can I get a more detailed stack?
  • how can I just make the hanging stop? :)


Windows Performance Analyzer is awesome, can't believe I didn't know about it. Thanks @magicandre1981

  • 1
    open a cmd.exe as admin and run this command: wpr.exe -start CPU && timeout -1 && wpr.exe -stop C:\HighCPUUsage.etl after you captured the CPU usage/hang for around 60s, go back to cmd and press a key to stop logging. Commented Oct 22, 2016 at 18:17
  • ok, post your finding as answer. Load the debug symbols to get proper function name resolving: msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/hardware/commercialize/test/… Commented Oct 24, 2016 at 15:30

1 Answer 1


It turned out the firewall was doing a TON of calls to the remote procededure call runtime:

enter image description here

It probably started due to a recent update to my VPN. It was getting in some kind of loop for blocking both my network connection and my virtual vpn network connection at the same time. I disabled the firewall for the vpn tunnel.

Not sure specifically what was going on, but this fixed it.


I still sometimes get slowdown or stutter for a short time. For Explorer.exe I get 1x SHCore.dll!DllGetClassObject+0x680 thread and a handful of ntdll.dll "RtlAcquireSRWLockShared+0x3b90ones using cpu. And this tested with firewall 100% off.

It's not as bad but I have to dig deeper.


I think it's still my vpn software. I see openvpn using 12-16% cpu sometimes and it FOR SOME REASON interrupts or otherwise lags explorer.exe.

I should maybe take that question on the vpn provider's forums. Will post any updates here.

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