I currently have a TP-LINK WR1043ND v1 running DD-WRT. Earlier I ran this router as an Access Point. Sincee I moved the router to an room where I don't have an Ethernet connection, I decided to use the Client Mode from DD-WRT, which resulted in problems. My router works normally when I use it with a cable, but it was invisible from the wireless network. I read that you have to create virtual interfaces to use the wifi network. I thought: okay, this should fix my problem. But when I did this I couldn't see my computer (connected using ethernet cable) from my laptop (connected to the wifi). Does anyone have a solution for this and the reason why this is happening?

1 Answer 1


To have computers connected to both routers (main and secondary) and co-exist in the same subnet, set up DD-WRT as a Client Bridge, Repeater Bridge or use WDS. Further explanation of bridging modes is in the Glossary.


  • Client bridge isn't an option becuase I need a different subnet, Repeater Bridge isn't supported by my router and WDS don't work Commented Sep 18, 2016 at 13:28
  • Well... maybe because Repeater Bridge is not supported, it won't work
    – Jason
    Commented Sep 18, 2016 at 13:30
  • @ApocalypsjeNL: Well if you need a different subnet then you need to manually configure static routing to that subnet on your main router and configure it as a bona-fide router instead of a NAT gateway.
    – qasdfdsaq
    Commented Sep 18, 2016 at 13:41

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