In windows 7, how to check from command-line if the wifi hardware switch is on or off ?

I will show you what happens when you toggle the hardware switch so that you may understand what exactly I am looking for.

Click on Start > Run > mblctr . This will launch the windows mobility center.

When the hardware switch is ON , the turn wireless off(or on) button will be clickable turn wireless off

Similarly, when the hardware switch is OFF, the turn wireless on(or off) button is greyed out. enter image description here

Here is one of my videos where you can see the simulation

I have referred to this question , but the person is asking how to switch it from on to off. I just want to know how to check the status.

I have also seen checked out commands like netsh interface show interface but this shows whether the adapter is disabled or enabled.

Please help.

  • I think this can be done only using an inferential method rather than a direct method of finding out the status of the switch. In my case when I push the switch OFF my wireless says Not Connected AND my bluetooth network is OFF. So when these two conditions are met, you can infer that the switch is in OFF position
    – Prasanna
    Commented Sep 9, 2016 at 10:36
  • I have checked out the mobility center greyed out button in other laptops as well. Also if you see my video, IntelProset wireless tools, is also able to detect it(not very accurately) but still it detects.
    – DannyBoi
    Commented Sep 11, 2016 at 3:02


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