I have few svn repositories from one service provider which I want to move to another service provider, the repository should also have earlier commits/history along with the code.

I have searched many options but nothing is working for me.

I would require urgent help on this.

  • Does the other provider not offer an "import" option? There's svnsync but it cannot properly 'fake' old commits without the server's help. Commented Sep 2, 2016 at 10:34
  • basically the source is providing .dump but now the destination ( bitbucket.org) does not have mechanism to import it. Commented Sep 2, 2016 at 10:38
  • Ah, but Bitbucket doesn't support SVN in the first place, does it? On the other hand, if you plan on converting the repository to Git or Hg, the converted output can be just pushed to the new server. Commented Sep 2, 2016 at 13:11

1 Answer 1


Remote SVN-source -> Remote HG-source

  • svnrdump dump URL/OF/SVN/REPO/ROOT > repo.dump or load provided by hosting dump-file
  • svnadmin load /PATH/TO/LOCAL/SVN/REPO < repo.dump
  • svnserve -r ..//PATH/TO/LOCAL/SVN/REPO
  • Add hgsubversion extension to Mercurial (global config)
  • cd SOMEPATH; hg clone svn://localhost/REPO
  • hg push URL/OF/HG/REPO


Dirty draft, may contain some not fundamental mistakes, must be considered as concept. pp. 4-5 can be replaced by using Convert Extension

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