sorry for my bad english,

I installed GRUB on the MBR to have a dual boot on a Windows 7/Kubuntu PC. After doing this, the dual boot works fine, but I cannot put Windows 7 to sleep mode (the screen becomes black, but the computer stays active).
I read this topic (note that the symptom is not exactly the same: the screen does not come back immediatly, it stays black until the mouse is moved or a key is pressed, but the computer itself does not sleep), but I have only one partition (containing everything) on my Windows disk (/dev/sda), which has already a "boot" flag. So what should I change ?

Do you have any help ?


2 Answers 2


Reinstalling GRUB on your Linux partition might work.

X is the drive (letter) on which you want GRUB to write the boot information. Normally users should not include a partition number, which would produce an error message as the command would attempt to write the information to a partition.

Run sudo grub-install /dev/sd[x], replacing [x] with the necessary value (for instance: sudo grub-install /dev/sda)

This will rewrite the information for the MBR (Master Boot Record) to point to the current installation and rewrite some of the GRUB 2 files (which were already working). Since it isn't done during execution of the previous command, running sudo update-grub after the install will ensure GRUB2's menu is up-to-date.


  • Thank you very much, it worked ! I don't know if this has any importance, but I installed GRUB on the Kubuntu hard disk (/dev/sdb), not the Windows one.
    – paly2
    Commented Aug 30, 2016 at 10:34
  • It works if the computer enters in sleeping mode just after booting, but after having being used some tens of minutes, it does just as before (the screen becomes black but the computer stays active)... So the situation is better than before, but it is not completely working...
    – paly2
    Commented Aug 30, 2016 at 17:00
  • I'll Try To Give Some More Help Soon!
    – user634315
    Commented Aug 31, 2016 at 7:16

Finally found a well working solution! It was simply to deactivate Windows 7 hibernation by typing powercfg -h off as administrator in the cmd...

However, I couldn't understand why it works, so I would appreciate any explanation :-)

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