during an apt-get dist-upgrade my /var partition had no free disk space left, which led to dropping man pages during the installation of the packages.

Now that I have fixed this problem, is there any way to get the man pages back?

I guess I could go through the logs, note each package name and reinstall them, but I was hoping, that there's an easier way?

1 Answer 1


This command is from an answer in Unix & Linux site.

sudo dpkg -l | grep '^ii ' | sed 's/  */\t/g' |cut -f 2,3 | sed 's/\t/=/' | xargs apt-get install --reinstall -y --ignore-missing

Basically, what it does is reinstalling all the packages being careful that it's the same version as the already installed packages.

I recommend you to read all the explanations carefully before using the command and to do a first test add --dry-run to apt-get.

  • Thank you so far for the answer and the link! I would say, that's generally the correct command. One problem though - I keep running into the message that apt "couldn't configure [package-name], probably a dependeny cycle." I added grep -v [package-name] a few times, but there always come new packages with the same problem... Any idea?
    – Picl
    Commented Aug 26, 2016 at 14:03
  • I decided to go the safe way and reinstall the whole system, but I will mark your answer as correct. Still not sure what caused all the dependency circles though or how to skip all of them ...
    – Picl
    Commented Aug 26, 2016 at 15:33

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