Host machine: Macbook Pro 2012

I have set a bridged network in VB with the following settings

enter image description here

However I'm still getting a NAT ip instead of LAN ip even after setting a Bridged connection.

However I can still successfully ping google.com

I don't understand how even tho i have already set a bridged connection I'm still getting a NAT IP address.

I have already ran: service network-manager restart, after I changed from NAT to Bridged

but I still get a LAN address

enter image description here

I have already set NetworkManager.conf to true, and I have already installed the virtual box extension pack.

Any ideas ?

1 Answer 1


Selecting "Bridge" mode attaches you directly to the same network the host is on – which means, if the host itself is behind a NAT, the guest will also be. It seems that the setting works fine – you're getting an IPv4 address different from the default VirtualBox NAT ranges, and an IPv6 address.

The VirtualBox settings only control VirtualBox's own NAT (an additional layer on top of what your real network provides), they can't magically tunnel through external routers.

  • So basically I'm not getting a LAN ip because my Host machine is doesn't have one either.
    – lob0
    Commented Aug 20, 2016 at 2:10
  • And this also means that my guest machine and host machine are seen as two totally different entities online ? Meaning that I can't relate my virtual machine to my physical machine
    – lob0
    Commented Aug 20, 2016 at 2:11
  • As far as your next-hop router is concerned, yes, they're two separate computers, with separate IP addreses (although when bridging Wi-Fi they still need to share a single MAC address). Compare the addresses shown by ipv6-test.com for example. Commented Aug 20, 2016 at 2:14

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