I have begun using atom full time and loving it for the most part. One thing I miss is the ability to expand alt selection up or down from all cursors.

  • Does this feature currently exist?
  • If not does anyone have any idea if a package might be capable of implementing such a feature?

Let me explain a bit more:

In Sublime Text 2/3 we could have multiple cursors. Anything action performed would happen on all cursors. Such as shift+right would select text from all cursors right one character. I had mapped alt+shift+up and alt+shift+down to the sublime select_lines command for forward and reverse respectively. These actions would also be applied to all cursors. So, if I had a cursor on line 10 and 20 and I used the down combo I would have a cursor on lines 10,11 and 20,21. In atom, using alt+down will expandDown to the next line down. But, this only happens from the last placed cursor.

Please note that I already use multi-cursor which does not provide the desired functionality. It is also limited to expanding the selection from the last created cursor though it does help with other things.

  • Is this what you're looking for?
    – jcbermu
    Commented Aug 19, 2016 at 14:45
  • @jcbermu Thanks, but I already use it. I updated the question to explain a bit.
    – pcnate
    Commented Aug 19, 2016 at 15:34


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