After I start the PC the BIOS tells me "no proper boot device found". I have to select the hard drive manually in the boot menu, then everything works fine, the system boots properly, so I assume the hard drive works fine.

The hard drive is the first option in the boot order, I also tried disabling all other boot options like network or USB, still nothing.

The Mainboard is an Intel DQ57TM, I updated BIOS and Chipset, but it didn't help. The OS is dual boot Win10 and Server 2012 R2.

Any suggestions?

2 Answers 2


Have you checked the boot order in the BIOS? There's usually three menu items like #1 boot device #2 boot device etc. Also, is the system time always correct when firing it up? Maybe the CMOS batter is dead

  • Boot order is right and system time seems ok. There are 9 other computers with the same configurations and components, they all manage to recognize their os.
    – Sebastian
    Commented Aug 16, 2016 at 13:37

Fixed it.

I loaded the last known BIOS settings and redid everything in the boot section. I still don't know where the error was, but now it's fixed.

Thanks for the help, though!

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