When using the VLC media player to play DVDs both video and audio pause several times per second. This makes VLC unusable for playing DVDs.

Windows Media Player works without any problems.

Is there a solution for this problem?

This problem appears for all the versions of VLC I have tried, including the newly realeased v1.0.0.

Platform: Windows XP 64 bit, 8 GB RAM, AMD Quad core (Phenom), built-in sound (ASUS motherboard, Realtek).

Update 1: the problem is solved by selecting "Higher latency" for menu Tools/Preferences/Input & Codecs/Default Caching level. See Keck's answer for further details.

  • Have they added shuffle yet to VLC? Commented Jul 22, 2009 at 23:49

1 Answer 1


Try adjusting a few settings.

In the video tab of your settings, ensure that the following are checked

  • Skip Frames
  • Accelerated video output
  • Use hardware YUV->RGB conversions.

Also, go to the "Inputs & Codecs" section and adjust the Caching level to one with higher latency.

If you still have problems, naturally head over to the VideoLAN forums and see what else they recommend.

  • The first 3 were already checked. Setting the Caching level actually solved the problem! Thanks! (Although there seems to be a bug so Custom is always selected when the preferences dialog is reopened). Commented Jul 23, 2009 at 0:06

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