I already posted similar question, but until nobody replied as solution of it. so i am trying to change the question as more detailed.

enter image description here

This is the last screen just before exiting chkdsk. There were bad sectors on the hard disk. In that case some corrupted data on bad sectors, I know, could be changed/removed when chkdsk is executed with /r switch cause of job related to bad clusters, so I turned it off in haste.

As you see the screenshot, chkdsk didn't leave any messages that it deleted or modified something. Still could there be any files already changed/removed? When I checked it out after the termination no found.xxx folder or chk file was found. after abort chkdsk, i moved all files to another drive, except one folder got CRC error but i got back up of this, so i throw way this failed disk after move the data.

Seems nothing to be worried. but, one thing is just unsure for me.

Not my case, but here is example message about what chkdsk stage 4 do to user files.

Stage 4: Looking for bad clusters in user file data ... Windows replaced bad clusters in file 2813 of name $PATH1.MKV.

It is said that there could be losses in the data recorded on the sectors marked as bad in the recovery process using /r switch. What I'd like to know is if there could be any possibility that when the job occurred it proceeded without leaving any job history on the prompt screen.

So if that job 'Windows replaced bad clusters' was already happened but didn't leave messages on prompt until i abort chkdsk, how can i figure out which file is fixed? or can you sure no any job is not happened (yet) judge by screenshot showing?

I think i can approach to find difference with hex codes. but i can not make bad clusters in file on purpose so could not compare.

  • 1
    The proper thing to do, when you are not getting answers to you question, is to improve your existing question. Now you just have an answer that likely will never be answered, and this question. Everything chkdsk does is reported on screen. Some questions take longer then 24 hours before somebody who knows the answer views your question.
    – Ramhound
    Commented Aug 14, 2016 at 1:32
  • Possible duplicate of Does chkdsk already could changed/removed data in "this" situation?
    – Ramhound
    Commented Aug 14, 2016 at 1:32
  • Your screenshot does not show any bad sectors?
    – Moab
    Commented Aug 14, 2016 at 1:37
  • 1. I got to know bad sectors in the drive by GM HDD SCAN tool. and 2. ran chkdsk and aborted at that point of screenshot, cause of worried of remarking clusters job like example. i am not sure that kind of job is already happened with no message on prompt.
    – Velks
    Commented Aug 14, 2016 at 1:39
  • 1
    @Velks You should delete your old question (you can do it with the links under the question) so the more pedantic folks don't get their panties in a knot from the whole duplicate thing.
    – Jason C
    Commented Aug 14, 2016 at 2:06


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