For example, I have a site www.xxx.com. It refers to content.xxx.com/sheets/some.css, which applies styles that I dislike. Is it possible to block download of this file with Chrome (or some extension)? I just don't want this CSS to be downloaded and applied.

I tried extensions like Block site, but they didn't work.

1 Answer 1


You can develop a script that replaces the CSS style of a web page by your own CSS.

To achieve that you have to use Content Scripts.

If you are not in the mood for developing a solution there are Chrome extensions as StyleBot or Stylish where you can apply your own or other users' CSS to determined webpages.

  • Problem is with css: it changes frequently, so the only solution is not download the whole file at all, not fixing styles by my owns. I am using StyleBot already, but it doesn't help when half of class names changes every weekend. I know name of css, but don't know its content: class names, selectors used etc. Commented Aug 11, 2016 at 11:11

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