I have been facing the following strange behaviour on Microsoft Account password (there is also other closely same case posts in here):

  • the Microsoft Account is based on a Gmail Account, with a different password
  • the password was changed on Skype, and now well working for it and also for Microsoft Account general login
  • the old password is despite now still valid for Windows 10 Microsoft Account login

Seems quite strange, and even frightening, if there may arise some contradiction or mess with/between those two different passwords for this critical Microsoft Account ...

What to do now, or maybe what not to do, anyway to be safe in future?

  • 1
    Disconnect the account from your profile, the connect it, this is well know behavior since Windows 8 was released.
    – Ramhound
    Commented Aug 10, 2016 at 12:43
  • @Ramhound OK, thanks for your reply, seems very applicable, will check this with my pal's Laptop soon.
    – PeteVfi
    Commented Aug 11, 2016 at 0:53

1 Answer 1


OK, changed the Microsoft password once again, and got the case cleared. Anyway thanks for @Ramhound for the hint.

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