I have an Asus STRIX DSP Headset, and now the cable is broken. I am trying to tape it so the sound is in both ears, but this is pretty much impossible if I can't know if the left ear is playing sound or not.

So what I need to do is turn off all sound in the right ear. I get it to turn off, but then when the left ear disconnects it activates sound in the right ear again.

How can I stop the sound in the right ear to activate again?


2 Answers 2


I confirmed that this works with headphones on Windows 10.

How To Adjust Audio Balance (Left – Right) In Windows 10

  1. Right click on the Volume Icon in the System Tray. It will pop up something like below.

enter image description here

  1. Click Sounds. A new window will pop up like below

enter image description here

  1. Click Playback tab.

enter image description here

Once above window show up, select the active device, then click Properties.

  1. Now the Speaker’s window will pop like below.

enter image description here

Click the Levels tab.

  1. In the Levels tab, click the Balance button, as shown below.

enter image description here

  1. Now the Balance window will pop up.

enter image description here

With this we can now adjust the balance between left and right speaker. The best way to adjust is while listening to music. This way we know immediately the best balance setting for the headphones.


  • 2
    You just helped me a lot to repair my headphones.
    – Beyondo
    Commented Jun 20, 2018 at 17:08
  • On Windows 10 1903, clicking on the volume icon in the system tray no longer opens the mentioned Sound window, to open it you would need Change system sound in Control Panel. Commented Oct 31, 2019 at 18:11
  • 1
    @BorislavIvanov I just added an answer for the Windows 10 1903 version that I confirmed does this same thing. Check it out when you get a chance. Commented Oct 31, 2019 at 21:55

I confirmed that this works with headphones on Windows 10 version 1903.

Control Right and Left Headset Balance Windows 10

  1. From the lower right hand side system tray, right click on the Volume Control icon

    enter image description here

  2. Click on the Open Sound settings option

    enter image description here

  3. Click on the Device properties option

    enter image description here

  4. Now adjust the Left or Right balance as-needed then close that window

    enter image description here

  5. To test adjust the Volume Control up and down to confirm all works as expected

    enter image description here

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