I have a Dell Inspiron Core i5 with 4 GB RAM and 500 GB hard disk. After upgrading to windows 10 from 8.1, I am constantly facing a high disk usage problem which is causing my machine to run a ot slower than usual. The processes that usually have a high disk usage are as follows:

  1. Antimalware service executable
  2. System and compressed memory

Is there any workaround for this issue?

  • don't use Windows defender, install a 3rd party Anti-Virus tool Commented Jul 10, 2016 at 17:43
  • i was using avira up until now. The same problem was there too. Commented Jul 10, 2016 at 18:00
  • Install the WPT (part of the Win10 SDK: dev.windows.com/en-us/downloads/windows-10-sdk), run WPRUI.exe, select First Level, CPU usage, DiskIO, FileIO and click to start. Now capture 1 minute of the DiskIO. After 1 minute click on Save. Zip the large ETL file into zip/RAR file, upload the zip (OneDrive, dropbox, google drive) and post the share link here. Commented Jul 10, 2016 at 18:01
  • do i need to install the entire sdk? its a 2.5 gb installation. Commented Jul 10, 2016 at 18:17
  • only the Windows Performance Toolkit Commented Jul 11, 2016 at 4:19

4 Answers 4


The trace shows that the Antimalware service (Windows Defender) is causing most disk IO and here it hangs at scanning the MFT (Master File Table) and reading data from the pagefile:

enter image description here

For me Defender/Microsoft Security Essentials were always slow and I never used them. Also try a different AV suite.

  • You mean i should just get another software instead of defender? Which would you recommend(a free one preferably)? Commented Jul 14, 2016 at 16:45
  • 1
    try AvastFree or Avira AntiVir Commented Jul 15, 2016 at 4:07
  • I was using avira till now. It also had a high disk usage Commented Jul 15, 2016 at 12:31
  • 1
    capture/share a new diskIO trace when you see the 100% Disk usage. Commented Jul 17, 2016 at 19:13
  • 1
    @AbhishekAgarwal ok, thanks for the reply. More RAM causes less paging so yeah, this improves the situation Commented Sep 17, 2016 at 18:10

You can hit Ctr + Shift + Esc and when task manager opens press the startup tab and you can disable processes that aren't necessary and have high impact.


System and compressed memory

i have seen this problem and 1 answer was disable all notifications and aplications go to settings, system, notifications and aplications and turn off all notifications (worked for me) and this http://appuals.com/100-disk-usage-by-system-and-compressed-memory-in-windows-10/

and for

Antimalware service executable

see the software credentials in properties and see if is a legit software if not Ctrl+Shift+Esc En task, find the file location an delete it and see if the program is in startup (i use CCleaner to clean/delete startup programs)

Good luck man hope it works


I had to fix a Dell laptop today which was showing 100% Disk Usage. The issue got resolved when we switched the Power Plan to Balanced. It was running with Dell power mode which spiked up the CPU. The task manager was showing some other services and processes though.

Go to Power Options > Select Balanced (recommended) Setting

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