Our DHCP delivers the address of an internal (working) NTP-Server. However our firewall reports a "massive" Storm of NTP-Requests (from iPhones, iPads) trying to contact some server on the internet. (it's blocked)

With 8 Devices on the network, it's like 1000 attempts per minute - why doesn't the iDevices take the internal NTP delivered through the DHCP-Scope configuration?

Is this something we could change by configuration, or do the apple-things have hardcoded NTP-Servers?

enter image description here


1 Answer 1


As per this Q/A, they do indeed use hardcoded servers. You will probably find that many devices won’t accept anything but the IP configuration from a DHCP server.

However, you can hijack the hardcoded hostname(s):

  • time.asia.apple.com
  • time.apple.com
  • time.euro.apple.com

Simply use your internal DNS to route these to your NTP server’s IP address and you should be good.

  • Thx for your hint. Already thought about this, but also considered the case that our NTP-Configuration can be improved to handle iDevices as well.
    – dognose
    Commented Jul 4, 2016 at 20:03
  • Works like a charm :) - silence -
    – dognose
    Commented Jul 4, 2016 at 20:12

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