I use tmux on mac os x 10.11.5 but suddenly it stopped working correctly. When i type tmux it does keep attaching to my grouped tmux session "ruby" instead of creating a new one.

$ tmux ls
ruby: 2 windows (created Fri Jun 24 15:37:29 2016) [80x23]

ok, i'll kill the ruby session: $ tmux kill-session -t ruby

but it's still there and keeps me attaching to the ruby session.

$ tmux ls
ruby: 2 windows (created Fri Jun 24 15:37:29 2016) 

I tried detaching, too:

$ tmux detach -s ruby

But it doesn't seem to have any effect.

$ tmux new session -t test

still attaches to my ruby session.

Is there another way to kill the ruby session?

1 Answer 1


it turns out this issue was caused of the ruby gem tmuxinator. after i uninstalled tmuxinator it stopped automatically attaching.

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