What I am aiming to do is add an Azure Group "Local_Admins" SID:b42afbaf-7e4d-4d1b-b2c1-39630ccec6b2 to the local Administrator group on devices.

I know there is a solution for adding users to the local admin group and that works fine, but adding and removing users from that group constantly is extremely undesirable and thus I would prefer to be able to add users to an Azure group to have the same effect.

I attempted the following:

net localgroup administrators "AzureAD\LocalAdmins" /add

Result: There is no such global user or group AzureAD\LocalAdmins

net localgroup administrators "AzureAD\Local_Admins" /add

Result: There is no such global user or group AzureAD\Local_Admins

net localgroup administrators "AzureAD\b42afbaf-7e4d-4d1b-b2c1-39630ccec6b2" /add

Result: Syntax Error

net localgroup administrators "b42afbaf-7e4d-4d1b-b2c1-39630ccec6b2" /add

Result: Syntax Error

If anyone has a good solution for this issue, I would love to hear from them.

1 Answer 1


You might have to leverage Microsoft Intune (Microsoft Endpoint Manager)

See here: https://www.inthecloud247.com/add-an-azure-ad-group-to-the-local-administrators-group-with-microsoft-intune/

In that post I already showed how the local administrators group on a Windows 10 machine can be managed with Microsoft Intune (Microsoft Endpoint Manager), but I only showed how to add Azure AD user accounts to the administrators group.

But as described on Microsoft docs, also Azure AD Groups are supported;

The member SID can be an user account or a group in AD, Azure AD, or on the local machine.

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