Ok, here's what I get when trying to boot into my Windows 7 Ultimate installation:

First, there's something about SLIC LOADER v 1.4.6, followed by a bunch of non informative information and a countdown cursor at the bottom of the screen, starting from 25...

When that reaches zero, I'm transfered to another page that says:

drive 0x80(LBA): C/H/S=14594/255/63, Sector Count/Size=234452610/512
Partition num:0, active, filesystem type is ntfs, partition type 0x07
Partition num:1, filesystem type is ntfs, partition type 0x07
* * * *
Options if your HDD is larger than 1TB
* Move your boot files to a smaller partition at the start of the HDD
* Format the HDD and allow Windows to create a 100MB boot partition
* Shrink and move your partitions with GParted

Press any key to

Pressing any key takes me to the next page:

Options if you have an OEM/Recovery partition:
* Format the whole HDD with Active@ Kill Disk
* If possible use EasyBCD to relocate the boot files

Tools to use:
* EasyBCD to move your boot files
* Active@ Kill Disk (ISO) to format
* GParted to resize, move & create partitions

How to boot back into Windows:
* Boot from your Windows DVD and select "Repair your computer"
* Select Command Prompt
* Enter "bootsect/nt60 SYS/force" or "bootsect/nt60 ALL/force"
* Reboot

Press any key to enter command line...

Next screen is:

[ Minimal BASH-like line editing is supported. For the first word, TAB lists possible command completions. Anywhere else TAB lists the possible completions of a device/filename. ESC at any time exists.]

grub> _

Finally, pressing ESC takes me to this:

Windows 7/Vista/Server
Windows 7/Vista/Server (No SLIC)
Debug (Default)
Debug (Legacy)
Windows NT/2000/XP Loader Help

Use the ↑ and ↓ keys to highlight an entry.
Press ENTER or 'b' to boot.
Press 'c' for a command-line.

This occurred after updating to the latest version of my ESET antivirus software...

NOTE that I have never had any other OS apart from Windows 7 installed on my computer.

During the last week I have been running Ubuntu Studio from a live usb.

This is the only external storage device available: a 16GB Kingston USB stick

Only computer available apart from the faulty one is a MacBook Air.

I tried to turn the stick into a bootable Windows 7 USB via BootCamp Assistant and a few Terminal tweaks, but whenever I ran it, I kept getting an error about some corrupt Recycle Bin or something, so I went with the Ubuntu Studio live USB instead.

Now I'm afraid to do anything else with it, 'cause it's the only working OS I got at the moment.

So my two question are: What may have caused all this?
What should I do in order to resolve my predicament?

I'm starting to lean towards formatting my hard drive, but any other ideas would certainly be appreciated.

No installation CDs available.

System details
Motherboard: Gigabyte H55M-UD2H
CPU: Intel Core i7-860
Storage Devices: two Kingston SSDs - one of 120GB (that I 've got Windows installed on, and that's running low on space), and one of 480GB (that I really hope I won't have to format).

  • How did you set up the Ubuntu Studio USB drive?
    – 8bittree
    Commented Jun 10, 2016 at 16:26
  • @8bittree These are the best instructions I have found...
    – m.a.a.
    Commented Jun 10, 2016 at 17:15
  • So you made it with the Mac? I suppose that reduces the likelihood that you accidentally installed the bootloader to the Windows drive instead of the Ubuntu one while creating it.
    – 8bittree
    Commented Jun 10, 2016 at 17:46
  • 1
    @8bittree Yup. My Windows pc was already unbootable/unusable when I created the ubuntu usb. So it's elsewhere that things went wrong...
    – m.a.a.
    Commented Jun 10, 2016 at 17:51


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