I am using Kali Linux and I installed gnome-tweak-tool for applying lid-close-action but after installing that, all the menu texts are squeezed now and also scrollbar in terminal is not there anymore. I have then uninstalled that but my problem was not resolved.

I have reinstalled gnome-tweak-tool if that fix my problem but still my problem persists. Restarting my system didn't work. One more thing to note, I am on my real system, not on any virtual machine. Below is my screenshot of that squeezed text

Squeezed Text Screenshot

  • Your GTK theme or gnome shell theme are acting up. Please make sure they are the correct skins, (e.g. kali). this is under tweak tool. If the problem persists you can try getting a new gnome theme.
    – f3rn0s
    Commented Jun 2, 2016 at 12:06
  • I was already using Kali theme but the problem was not with that. I finally able to resolve my problem. Posting the answer. Commented Jun 9, 2016 at 22:55

1 Answer 1


The problem was occurring due to some disturbance with gnome So, I update my system with the following and problem got resolved.

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade

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