I have a Windows 7 x64. I noticed, that in some applications I have squares instead of Asian languages characters. E.g. in MS Word, in Chrome, in Skype ideographs look fine. I also installed Japanese language pack. It works fine too and I'm able to typing in Japanese.

But in AIMP, file explorer (in particular, folders names) and Notepad++ (text file is encoded to UTF-8) I have only squares. And the problem in general exists with Asian ideographs and some other characters:

E.g. ™, ▲, ¼ looks fine, but ℍ, ①, ︷ are also displayed as squares.

I know, tht this is not the first same question, and I've found 2 possible solutions:

  1. Control Panel --> All Control Panel Items --> Fonts --> Font settings

    Hide fonts based on language settings - disable it.

    Hide fonts based on language settings is disabled, but problem still exists.

  1. Change the system locale.

But I don't think it's a pretty good. My current system locale is Russian, and I think, even if I would fix the problem with Asian languages, I could have some problems with Russian instead.

So, is there another solution? How can I fix it?

  • Have you checked the font you are using in NotePad++ actually has the unicode characters you are trying to type?
    – Burgi
    Commented May 19, 2016 at 13:41
  • Yeah, I've tried to set PmingLiU font - japanese characters look fine, that bracket too ︷. Ok, the problem is with fonts, but how can I set this font (or another font, that supports japanese) as default system font for asian characters? In addition, AIMP also uses font without japanese support, and I can't see any option in settings to change the font. Commented May 19, 2016 at 19:42
  • MS Mincho font supports more code pages than PMingLiU font incl. OEM-Russian and ANSI-Cyrillic.
    – JosefZ
    Commented Jul 1, 2016 at 21:44


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