I am new to Python. I have version 2.7.11 installed on my MacBook Pro, running Yosemite 10.10.5. I am trying to figure this out because I would like to decompile the scripts to the Native Instruments Maschine, take a look at them and create some of my own for use with Ableton Live.

I can't seem to get any further than the fact the uncompyle2, uncompyle6 and spark-parser have all been downloaded into my .../Python/2.7/site-packages folder. Typing in the shell $ uncompyle -h doesn't do anything either.

I'm stuck and this is starting to increase the fury inside and I'm afraid I may go on a terrible rampage if I don't figure this out. I've looked all over the interwebs and can't find a single, detailed explanation on how to do this. I need an explanation similar to Reddit's 'like I'm 5' so I can actually see and learn what I am doing.

If anyone can help I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you!

  • Have you tried running the commands in the "Installation", "Testing", and "Usage" sections of github.com/rocky/python-uncompyle6 ?
    – David Cary
    Commented May 15, 2016 at 2:47
  • @DavidCary I'm not really sure how to properly execute these commands in the terminal # Please explain like I'm 5. Commented May 15, 2016 at 4:47

1 Answer 1


The command you run is called when you install uncompyle6 is uncompyle6, not uncompyle. The command you run when you install incompyle2 is uncompyle2.

Both of these programs require a compiled Python program. See this for a discussion of what the .pyo and .pyc extensions mean.

There was a bug in earlier versions of uncompyle6 that didn't install the script files correctly. So if uncompyle6 isn't found, try installing a newer package using pip install uncompyle6 (if you are using a virtual python setup) or sudo pip install uncompyle6 if you want to install system wide using the system python, as you probably want to do.

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