Basically I'm using FileZilla right now but wouldn't mind to use any other gui. What I want is to index all directories and files in an ftp server so I can review them later (without the need of any connection to the original server). Any help will be appreciated - I'm using Opensuse Tumbleweed (latest updated) + KDE Desktop.

1 Answer 1


You can do this via CLI.

Use a command-line FTP client and run this command:

 dir -lR


 ls -R

which will list recursively the content of all directories and subdirectories.

Otherwise, without using a FTP client:

wget -r -x --no-remove-listing --spider ftp://ftp.example.com/

This will use wget to:

  • retrieve recursively (-r) all directories and subdirectories,
  • creating mirror subdirs on the client (-x)
  • and hence a tree of directories on the client identical as the server but containing only .listing (--no-remove-listing) files showing the contents of each directory,
  • without retrieving the files themselves (--spider).
  • 1
    For server without recursive listing support, this may be useful
    – hkdtam
    Commented May 13, 2016 at 13:58
  • And what would this commands do? Can you explain their usage more? I would expect that they will simply output the directories and files on the stdout - is this true? Commented May 14, 2016 at 13:04
  • More or less. It will create a tree on your machine with a listing of directory contents in each directory. Answer updated.
    – dr_
    Commented May 14, 2016 at 14:47

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