I'm working in advertising agency, and we often need to share local links within Windows 8 and 10 network. Files are big, so you can't attach them to messages.

For communication we use slack and Skype, but the problem is that click on link like


nothing happens. Parser inside mesenger understands that it is link, higlights it, but doesn't open it.

Workflow now looks like Shift + Right click on file → copy as path → paste to Skype → copy from Skype to Windows explorer → remove "" from path → open file

when you do it 20 times a day it's frustrating.

Can you suggest more convenient way to share links with other team members?

  • Do you use Outlook at all? Commented May 13, 2016 at 11:30
  • we use gmail for mail, and don't use outlook. We have a team chat in skype and it's easiesr to paste links there and discuss
    – Lesha
    Commented May 13, 2016 at 11:33
  • Try using this "<file:{server link}>" So it will look like this is the above is the path "<file:{\\SERVER\path\to\some\folder}>" give it a test. Commented May 13, 2016 at 11:41
  • no, it's not ever recognized as link(
    – Lesha
    Commented May 13, 2016 at 11:47
  • Please clarify what local really means. Are you expecting some magic file transfer to a peer which has no access to \\SERVER\?
    – Run CMD
    Commented May 13, 2016 at 12:07

2 Answers 2


It should be in the format


That's two slashes at the beginning. So you need to convert backslashes to forward slashes, and escape any non-URL-allowed characters (e.g. space -> %20).

To make this easier, I use SendTo Toys, and set the following options:

SendTo Toys clipboard options

Bear in mind that this will create a link, and allow you to copy it, but clicking it to open may not work, due to security settings on your PC.


It's a little embarrassing to admit that with experimentation I have discovered that there is a fairly simple workaround for the issue.

If the last stanza of the URI is broken - include a dir slash after it.

For the example:

\server\share name\second stanza\thirdstanza\fourth stanza

We only need ping

\server\share name\second stanza\thirdstanza\fourth stanza\

It works for me when sending folder names. Please try it in your applications.

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