(W10 tag used b/c only W10 supports multiple virtual desktops. If I read the tag description yet, I should be using VM tag, even though virtual desktops aren't VMs, are they?)

I have 8 virtual desktops. I have 2 or 3 Chrome windows per virtual desktop.

On system boot, Chrome loads all of the windows in whichever virtual desktop I user first. This is inconvenient because I have to manually transport each window to its corresponding virtual desktop. As the number of applications increases, this only becomes more annoying.

Is there a program I can write to do this? With some Google searches, I have seen how to launch programs on startup. However, I also want to associate these instances of Chrome with a virtual desktop.

On startup Windows automatically creates 8 virtual desktops (good!) so I haven't included this in my pseudocode.

Some pseudocode:

while (true)
sleep 5 seconds //do this every 5 seconds

 for (each virtual desktop)
check what instance of Chrome is running in that window

check the log file on which virtual desktop to dump each instance of Chrome into
put it there


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