I have a laptop which came with a sticker on the touchpad, which is a good idea, same wear protection as a phone, except that the sticker has an annoying texture. (lenovo t510 thinkpad)

I bough a cheap phone screen protector for 1 euro, and i dont know if it is resistive or capacitive. Can i use a phone screen protector on the laptop? some place sell laptop touchpad stickers for 20 dollars, crazy?!

lenovo touchpad sticker:

enter image description here

  • Have you tried it? You can get a screen protector for less than a dollar on eBay. Get a pair of capacitive and resistive and try them.
    – cde
    Commented Mar 12, 2016 at 1:00
  • i could mess up the Lenovo sticker if i pull it off and the other doesnt work. i dont know what's under, i have to try rubbing alcohol to prepare the surface, maybe it can be used without a sticker until i find something suitable. will see. Commented Mar 12, 2016 at 3:10
  • try pressing operating it with with a stick or plastic rod, if that works it's resistive, else it's capacitive.
    – Jasen
    Commented Mar 12, 2016 at 5:02
  • is there a special stylus for that touchpad?
    – Jasen
    Commented Mar 12, 2016 at 5:03
  • Thanks... cool advice! I have stuck an sony experia protector instead of the IBM one. It was full of gum glue so i had to use white spirit first to get that off and then alcohol to get white spirit residues from the PC, and the Experia touchpad is at least a vast improvement compared to the Lenovo one. more performant and feels nicer. Commented Mar 13, 2016 at 4:20

3 Answers 3


I just put a plastic screen protector left over from my phone, on my Asus laptop's touchpad and it is sooo much better. My touchpad has some kind of faux glass surface (bit I think it's actually just metal), similar to the one on the Zenbooks but not that good and I always had trouble with it, pointer not so precise and my fingers would sometimes not glide on it properly. Now it is soo much better. I recommed trying it for anyone who has trouble with the touchpad, and if it doesn't work out, you can easily remove it and dump it in the trash can :)

I actually considered dumping this (cheapish) laptop and buying the more expensive Zenbook, just for the touchpad, but I don't need to anymore :)


From direct experiment i can say that a touch phone protector works fine on a PC touchpad. compared to a genuine PC touchpad, the phone protector is slightly too smooth and you may want to try abrading it with a 800/1000 grit sandpaper first to have an rougher touchpad surface. So far it's much better than the sticker the Thinkpad arrived with.

requires white spirit and rubbing alcohol and a touchscreen phone protector in that order and a razor blade, trace the outline of the toucharea with paper and then cut through the paper and phone protector and apply it.


I recommend to use nanotechnology liquid glass screen protector. It gives shatter resistance and scratch proof protection.

  • 1
    Have you some sources about?
    – Toto
    Commented May 4, 2018 at 16:32

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