On my old computer I just copied the folder VirtualBox VMs to my external harddrive. Now I would like to restore those VMs. How am I able to do this using the folder "VirtualBox VMs" that I copied? It does not contain any *.vdi files, only *.vbox files and *.vmdk files. Both host machines are Linux Kubuntu 14.4. To my knowledge, I have not further .VirtualBox folder saved.

Also I have an export of my VMs, namely *.ova files.

I had a look at What's the recommended way to move a VirtualBox VM to another computer? and https://srackham.wordpress.com/cloning-and-copying-virtualbox-virtual-machines/ but those seem to imply that I need more than I have.

Update: In any case, I get the VMs added but once I try to start them I get "Windows loads data...", the progress bar gets from 0 to full twice and then the machine reboots. It is the same as in Windows 7 VirtualBox image won't boot and I can't boot in safe mode but I do not have Hyper-V installed, which might have been the problem, so what can I do?

  • You need to find your vdi files on the old computer as a starting point and copy those over to the portable hard drive too. Without the vdi files you're screwed. Then follow these instructions: superuser.com/questions/745844/…
    – misha256
    Commented Mar 10, 2016 at 19:11
  • @misha256: What if I don't find them? Do I have to say good-bye to the idea? Also: Where might be a good place to start looking?
    – Make42
    Commented Mar 10, 2016 at 19:13
  • You have to find them. I assume that, on the old PC, your VMs were running fine right? If so then the vdi files must exit. On the other hand, if the vdi files got deleted somehow, then I'm afraid it's good-bye to the idea.
    – misha256
    Commented Mar 10, 2016 at 19:16
  • @misha256: Where might I find them on a linux machine? I'd like to narrow the search down. (I exported all VMs to *.odv so this is my backup plan.)
    – Make42
    Commented Mar 10, 2016 at 19:19
  • @misha256: Shouldn't the *.vdi files be in the folder "VirtualBox VMs" as well? There they aren't and haven't been though.
    – Make42
    Commented Mar 10, 2016 at 19:31

1 Answer 1


Two methods are possible:

1. Export / Import

  1. Power you VM on your old computer down.
  2. From VirtualBox: Export your VM by going to "File"->"Export Applicance".
  3. Copy the resulting .ova file to your new computer.
  4. From VirtualBox: Import your VM by going to "File"->"Import Applicance".

2. Copy

  1. Copy your VM-Folder to the new computer, including your .vdi or .vmdk file. (These are your virtual disks.)
  2. In VirtualBox go to "Machine"->"Add" and select a .vbox file.

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