(Similar to this question, I know, however the answer was not a solution.)

I freshly installed Apache 2.4 as a service on Windows 7 Professional, and configured it correctly, however it is only accessible from LAN clients if I disable Windows Firewall. (LAN clients time out if Windows Firewall is running). Because the issue is not present when disabling Windows Firewall, I do not presume it is an error in httpd's configuration. Enabling dropped-packet logging with Windows Firewall on leaves me with a blank logfile, which is perplexing to me. If Windows Firewall is indeed blocking/dropping inbound packets to port 80, why would it not log this? Better yet, why would Windows Firewall continue to block the connections despite my firewall rule?

I have implemented an inbound firewall rule with the following options: Action: Allow the connection. Service: Apache2.4. TCP Port: 80. Local IP: Any. Remote IP: Local Subnet. I have verified the rule applies to all network locations. This does not resolve the issue. I do not believe the rule is invalid.

Running netstat -ao yielded the following relevant result with Windows Firewall on or off. is the host I am running httpd on:

Active Connections
Proto  Local Address          Foreign Address        State           PID
TCP           Traxus-GD65:0          LISTENING       9104

If httpd is indeed working, I should be seeing a LISTEN state on IP for PID 9104 (httpd's PID at the time of running the command), and indeed it is there. The Apache server is verified to be functioning correctly, narrowing down the cause of the problem to Windows Firewall.

Here is the output from running netsh advfirewall firewall show rule name="Apache HTTP Server" dir=in:

Rule Name:                            Apache HTTP Server
Enabled:                              Yes
Direction:                            In
Profiles:                             Domain,Private,Public
LocalIP:                              Any
RemoteIP:                             LocalSubnet
Protocol:                             TCP
LocalPort:                            80
RemotePort:                           All
Edge traversal:                       No
Action:                               Allow

Also, here is the relevant output of running netstat /bn with Windows Firewall disabled:

Active Connections
  Proto  Local Address          Foreign Address        State

The address is my LAN client. These two connections only appear when Windows Firewall is disabled, and after I have connected the client.

  • Can you please give us a netsh advfirewall firewall show rule name=all dir=in You can use name=Apache or something if you know the name of your rule.
    – Ryan Ries
    Commented Feb 15, 2016 at 0:45
  • I have added the result to the question.
    – Floofies
    Commented Feb 15, 2016 at 1:03
  • Try changing it to remote port = any.
    – Ryan Ries
    Commented Feb 15, 2016 at 1:06
  • Changing "Remote Port" to "All Ports" was ineffectual.
    – Floofies
    Commented Feb 15, 2016 at 1:14
  • What's the relevant part of the output of netstat /bn? Also check that the PID you found is the real PID of the Apache service.
    – Ben N
    Commented Feb 15, 2016 at 1:22

1 Answer 1


I fixed the problem, but I'm not sure why it worked. I went back and deleted my firewall rules, like I did many times already, and made a new rule for local port 80. Even with the same exact settings as my previous rule, the new one now works. I'm not sure I can put this is a real answer since I do not fully understand the mechanism behind this development. – floofies

I second this solution, and make it into an answer for other's sake. Although I'm quite puzzled as to why it works, indeed just removing the executable path requirement from my rules was enough to enable inbound connections on my Windows 10 machine. Thanks for the hint, floofies!

  • Your answer could be improved with additional supporting information. Please edit to add further details, such as citations or documentation, so that others can confirm that your answer is correct. You can find more information on how to write good answers in the help center.
    – Community Bot
    Commented Feb 9, 2022 at 10:36

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