Whenever I try to enter into Trash Bin in Nautilus when a file is in it, an error message will display: Sorry, could not display all the contents of trash:///: Operation not supported. Neither sudo or gksudo work, and changing to another file manager (such as nemo) didn't seem to work. Any clue?

  • Which distribution are you using? Commented Feb 13, 2016 at 5:44
  • Trisquel 7 Belenos. Installed GNOME from apt-get.
    – xvlaze
    Commented Feb 13, 2016 at 8:31

1 Answer 1


I backed up all my data and I reinstalled the distro, this time with the default graphical environment. I think it has all been a misconfiguration, so I'm closing this question. I strongly recommend to follow the 'default' distro installation tutorial if you are a beginner, and once you have your distro ready to go, tweak whatever you like (or use a VM). But always have an external HDD/USB near for backups!

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