So, I have a Toshiba Laptop, and it has two headphone jacks. The first one was working fine, but the second one, when I try to play any sound, the sound comes out of the laptop, and not through my headphones. Last week, my nephew broke the working jack. Does anyone have any idea how to get sound through the second headphone jack? I have tried going into the control panel, going into hardware and sound, sound, and putting in my headphones. I've read that a headphone icon should pop up, but it doesn't. Please help!

  • 3
    Are you sure you don't mean the microphone jack?
    – Peter
    Commented Feb 10, 2016 at 13:44
  • 1
    @Peter is right. Audio jacks are usually green, while microphone jacks are usually red. You may be mistaking the microphone jack as a second jack for your headphones.
    – root
    Commented Feb 10, 2016 at 13:46
  • Neither of the jacks have a colour, they are just black. I used to have a pair of headphones that had two, whatchamacallits... erm.... the metal rod type things that you put into the jacks (Sorry, im not that much of a computer genius...). It might be a microphone jack, as I said, im not a computer genius. Ive read that you can still get sound through headphones if you put them in the that jack though? :) Commented Feb 10, 2016 at 13:56

1 Answer 1


I do not know of any Toshiba Notebook with two headphone jack. The second jack is a Microphone jack!

There are some Toshiba notebooks which have a combined headphone/microphone jack, but they only have one jack. Those with two jacks have separated jacks for microphone and headphone.

  • Oh okay, I've read you can still get sound through headphones if you put them in the 2nd jack though? Am I wrong? Commented Feb 10, 2016 at 13:59
  • I think so. Which device do you have exactly?
    – TomS
    Commented Feb 10, 2016 at 14:04
  • Toshiba Satellite c855 Commented Feb 10, 2016 at 14:08
  • According to the descriptions in the user's guide (pages 2-3 and 2-4), there is a headphones-only and a microphone-only jack. No headphones function via the mic jack.
    – TomS
    Commented Feb 10, 2016 at 14:27
  • You are welcome. If this answers your question, please mark the answer as the correct answer so that others can also make use of it.
    – TomS
    Commented Feb 10, 2016 at 14:35

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