I'm learning to code websites. I decided to start using fedora. All is well until i find that my CSS file isnt loading correctly. The same configuratiin worked in chrome for windows but not FF for linux.

I have a folder /home/cromwell/projects inside of which I have an index.html and a styles.css (as well as associated resources)

I reference the css file with href="styles.css"'... I also tried ./styles.css and file:///C:/home/cromwell....

The ./ method resolves and shows my css file when i click the link in "view page source". But it does not populate to the DOM when the page loads.

The css file is nothing more than a normalize. And the html only references the stylesheet. No content.

Why won't my css load? This setup was working in Windows... Do I need to set up an apache server? Is there a syntax to the path im missing?

3 Answers 3


You need to put your files to a public accessible folder. That is the only time you can load the CSS file. As a safe trick, put your css file on the same folder of your html file then use this linking code

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="mycss.css">

You won't be able to use file:///C:/home/cromwell.... since Fedora have no concept of drive letters as default, it sees everything as folders unless you mount a drive and give it a drive letter.

It is also a big no to include a drive letter to your html links since it will search the file local to the visitors hard drive.


As far as I can tell, the only problem here is that there is no C:. The idea of giving drives (or partitions, or network shares) letters is a peculiar idiosyncrasy of DOS carried over to Windows. In Linux, there is one unified tree, and it starts at /. Other partitions/drives/shares may be mounted into that tree, but from a user perspective, you don't need to care about. So, you just need to reference your files at file:///home/cromwell/...

  • A apologize. The problem was a standard silly mistake. I was using a meta tag when i should have had a link tag... Which is not helpful for anyone else. Thank you for trying and sorry for wasting your time Commented Feb 12, 2016 at 7:48
  • You're welcome. And in any case this is still also true.
    – mattdm
    Commented Feb 12, 2016 at 8:47

I was using the wrong tag... Had a meta when i needed a link... Im sorry and thank you for your excellent answers

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