I've got a separate /boot partition on an SSD drive. Do I have to mount it at all and if yes, can I make it read-only? Current fstab:

    UUID=783b2uhe7-2a2780abfxd0 /boot                ext4       acl,user_xattr,noatime       1 2

If I just delete/comment out this line in fstab, will it affect OS functioning and will it lead to /boot partition not being mounted? Or it is mounted during boot process irrespective of fstab?

1 Answer 1


While it will not break your operating system in the current state, an update (especially to kernel and kernel-mods) to your system might need to adjust the boot loader, breaking your system (and causing a time-consuming recovery).

If you comment it out, it will not be mounted on boot. You could mount it read-only, but I don't see any advantage in that: it will not allow changes during an update to be correctly applied.


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