We're looking into moving our source control from SourceSafe (yes, seriously) to TeamForge and I'm trying to connect TeamCity to TeamForge (collab.net) but Test Connection is failing with:

Error connecting the specified URL:

svn: E175002: connection refused by the server

svn: E175002: OPTIONS request failed on '/'

I've been googling on and off for the last few days and tried various things such as -Dsvnkit.http.sslProtocols=SSLv3 and -Djsse.enableSNIExtension=false and today updated to TeamCity v9.1.5 (Java version: 1.8.0_66) but still fall at the first hurdle.

For info, TeamCity is behind a corporate proxy server where both TeamCity services run as a domain user that can get through the proxy (got this working for NuGet restore).

Any suggestions as to how I can get this working?

1 Answer 1


I have discovered that svnkit uses its own proxy settings: proxy settings for subversion

By default SVNKit uses proxy settings from the servers configuration file that is located in the default SVN run-time configuration area.

Default configuration area is located at ~/.subversion on Linux and OS X and at C:\Documents and Settings\userName\Application Data\Subversion on Windows.

When creating a VCS Root to Subversion, TeamCity offers a couple of settings under SVN Connection Settings, a checkbox Default config directory and a text box Configuration directory.

I unchecked the default directory and pointed the Configuration Directory to the directory created as described below.

  • Create a folder within TeamCity: C:\TeamCity\conf\Subversion
  • Create a file in this folder named servers (no extension) with the following content:
http-proxy-host = proxy.example.com
http-proxy-port = 80

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