Yesterday i purchased Acer Laptop V3-772G and increased RAM just for the sole purpose of using this beast for Virtualization but when i tried to install 64-bit OS it slapped me with VT error. So i checked for Inter-VT in BIOS but there is no option for enabling Intel-VT .

I looked on google but can't find any resource to enable this Feature.

BIOS is already updated to latest one as you can see in below picture.

enter image description here

Guys is there a way to unlock this feature ???

  • If you're not using Hyper-V to virtualize make sure the service is disabled.
    – HoD
    Commented Dec 16, 2015 at 10:15
  • Have you succeeded to enable it finally? :) Commented Jul 21, 2016 at 20:39


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