I’m new to Linux, and I want to create a live USB flash drive for Debian Jessie. I burned Debian to a CD in order to then create a live USB flash drive of it.

Win32DiskManager doesn’t download due to a malware warning, so I’m trying to create the live USB flash drive with the terminal in Debian.

I copied the ISO image to the live desktop and tried to create the USB flash drive with:

cp xxxx /dev/sdb1

Where xxxx is the Debian ISO image.

When I navigate to the desktop with:

cd ~/Desktop

I get the error:

cp: cannot create regular file '/dev/sdb1': Permission denied

2 Answers 2


An easier way to do it is to download Rufus in Windows from the official Rufus website. Rufus is the recommended application at the official Ubuntu website for making a bootable live Ubuntu USB on Windows, and it also works for making live USBs of many of other Linux distributions including Debian.


Unclear where you got this command from:

cp xxxx /dev/sdb1

But one of two issues I can deduce from your use of that command.

  1. First, the cp command alone would not ever work for a situation like this. It would just copy the files to the destination but not in a way that would make it bootable.
  2. Are you 100% sure you know the USB device is mounted as /dev/sdb1?
  3. You need to run a command like that to write to a device as root or via sudo. But like I said, cp would not work for a task like this.

The command you should be using to handle a task like this is dd. And the command would be something like this:

sudo dd if=/path/of/the/CD/ISO of=/path/of/the/destination/USB bs=1024

The if is the “input file” and the of “output file” so the whole command is just copying the raw data from the CD disk to the USB flash drive. The bs is just the read/write byte size of how much data would be written at a time. And note you should be doing this kind of operation using root privileges via sudo if you are not actually logged in a root.

But the real key here is now trying to figure out the actual USB device ID for the USB device. If you are 100% sure that /dev/sdb1 is the correct device path, then go for it. But in the end you might want to double-check which device is the USB device by using lsblk (list block devices) just like this:


And deduce the USB flash drive device path from that. Or even just use fdisk like this to show a list of all connected and mounted devices:

sudo fdisk -l

Once you are 100% positive of what the actual device path is, use that.

  • I was using the Debian FAQ debian.org/CD/faq/#write-usb and I made the mistake of assuming that a "Linux machine" was the same as a live CD. Commented Dec 16, 2015 at 1:48
  • Thanks for your help, but @karel's solution solved my in that now the live usb works. But thanks for the instructions. They'll come in handy later. Commented Dec 16, 2015 at 2:05

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