
Trying to setup a website server at home.

Been trying this for weeks, but to no avail. If someone can help I will indeed be grateful, and I will wire over some beers if necessary.

So, I have WINDOWS 8.1 pre-installed on my laptop which I dont want to change. Trawling through the web I have now discovered that Apache, MYSQL SERVER, and PHP are what I need. I know how to program fairly okay in SQL and in PHP, so that is no worry. I installed Apaache and PHP however nothing seems to work : when I type http://localhost, I get an "error/timeout" type message in any of my browsers - chrome/IE. Below are the things I have done so far:

1) SETUP STATIC IP for one of my laptops like so: Router: D-Link-600 router "LAN Setup" -> DHCP Reservation, pulldown menu, selected one of my laptops, I typed in an IP such as (so it locks down the IP on teh local area network) Save settings.

2) SETUP PORT FORWARDING for that laptop on the D-LINK-600 Router: Went to "ADVANCED" in the "router-page" "Application Name" -> Pull down menu -> "HTTP" then clicked '<<' arrow. Public Port 80 ~ 80 automatically filled in. "Computer Name" -> Chose that same laptop -> IP Address filled in as the one I chose above Private Port 80 ~ 80 automatically filled in.

3) OPEN FIREWALL ON LAPTOP: First uninstalled McAfee coz it was preventing me from changing any settings, I didnt know if it was necessary but I uninstalled it anyway. Went to "Control Panel" -> "System and Security" -> "Windows firewall" Private Networks: Turn off windows Firewall Public Networks: Turn off windows Firewall

4) Allow incoming stuff on PORT 80 on LAPTOP: Same place - Windows Firewall and Advanced Settings : Inbound Rule : New rule : PORT : Selected TCP and Specified New Port as 80 : Allow Connection : Domain Private Public : Name"PORT80" : FINISH

Went to website: yougetsignal to see if port 80 is open - it shows me my "internet" IP (different from locally fixed IP as above) and says PORT 80 is closed (due to "Timeout")

5) APACHE INSTALLATION: My "SYSTEM" in control panel is 64 bit operating system. Downloaded from Apachelounge.com/download/ httpd-2.4.17-win64-VC14.zip Extraced into C:/Apache24

httpd.conf have the following lines:

httpd.conf additional/altered lines::: start

ServerRoot "c:/Apache24"


LoadModule php5_module "c:/php/php5apache2_4.dll"

AddHandler application/x-httpd-php .php

# If your host doesn't have a registered DNS name, enter its IP address here.


ServerName Localhost:80      -> was ServerName www.example.com:80, i changed it to Localhost:80

<IfModule dir_module>

        DirectoryIndex index.php index.html


PHPIniDir c:/php

httpd.conf additional/altered lines::: end

6) PHP Installation? Renamed the "php.ini-development" file to "php.ini" Opened it, and enabled some extensions like CURL, MYSQL, etc. OUt of curiosity, I ran the file php.exe in c:php folder (all extracted), and it says MSVCR110.dll file is missing.


Ran the CMD prompt in Administrator mode. It said some VC***110.dll file is missing - downloaded that, it worked.

however, now the CMD prompt upon installation (c:\Apache24> httpd.exe -k install ) says: "Syntax error on line 178 of C:/Apache24/conf/httpd.conf: Cannot load c:/php/php5apache2_4.dll into server: %1 is not a valid win32 application.

went to the APache/bin folder and ran httpd.exe went to IE/Chrome and tuped http://Localhost

NOTHING. Just timeout. I Need Help guys.

Is there an older version of APACHE/PHP that I can install and is bound to work?


  • 1) Configuring your router to always give the same IP address to your webserver-to-be is not "setting up a static IP address". 2) There is no need to configure port forwarding and expose your webserver-to-be to the internet if not even http://localhost works. Undo that until you have finished your setup.
    – Run CMD
    Commented Dec 15, 2015 at 7:29
  • Hi JakeGould, the reason I avoided WAMP it was I wanted to get a more "bricks and mortar" feel to the server/sertup, and whatever learning points on networking in general that might have offered.. Commented Dec 15, 2015 at 7:59

1 Answer 1


I know this can be frustrating, but I would highly recommend uninstalling/removing your apache setup you have so far and install this: http://www.wampserver.com/en/#download-wrapper

I have used this in the past, and it has worked quite well for me.

  • 2
    yes, remove both your apache install and your PHP install and just use WAMP, it will set it all up for you. It looks like you're missing some dependencies right now.
    – heavyd
    Commented Dec 15, 2015 at 7:33
  • Thanks @Stephen R, and heavyd, How did the Port forwarding/IP Setup etc work for you? I wanna setup this server on one laptop, and use another to check the website (from the same Wifi in my apartment) . For now I don't need it to be accessible from the WWW. Reason I was avoiding WAMP etc until now was that I wanted to learn a bit more about networking/whatever in the process, and needed a more bare-bones feel to the server setup. Thanks for any inputs, guys.. Commented Dec 15, 2015 at 8:08
  • You shouldn't have to do any port forwarding if you are only going to be accessing the site on your internal/private network. When you get to the point where you need to access it externally, then you will need to setup port forwarding.
    – Stephen R.
    Commented Dec 15, 2015 at 15:36
  • 1
    @Stephen R, thanks a lot for your advise! saved a lot of trouble! thank you Commented Dec 26, 2015 at 8:11
  • @Madventures, sure no problem!
    – Stephen R.
    Commented Dec 27, 2015 at 10:13

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