I'm running into problems when attempting to mount an AFP share on CentOS 7. Currently using mount_afp with fuse but whenever I try to mount something mount_afp segfaults in glibc.

I'm either looking for an alternative to mount_afp or a way to solve the problem with segfaults. I've been unable to find any useful information.

# mount_afp afp://<ip-adress>/Publications /mnt/test
Segmentation fault


# afp_client mount -u <username> -p <password> <hostname>:Publications /mnt/test
The afpfs daemon does not appear to be running for uid 0, let me start it for you
Dropped connection
# tail /var/log/messages
Nov 27 15:50:12 hostname kernel: mount_afp[64706]: segfault at f ip 00007fb1a1a68df1 sp 00007ffe2cd61810 error 4 in libc-2.17.so[7fb1a195e000+1b6000]


# sudo afpcmd
afpcmd: connect afp://<hostname>/Publications
# tail /var/log/messages
Nov 27 15:52:18 hostname kernel: afpcmd[64978]: segfault at f ip 00007fb75dbabdf1 sp 00007ffd3f519e10 error 4 in libc-2.17.so[7fb75daa1000+1b6000]

Does anyone have an idea where to go from here?

  • 1
    You might want to look into using sshfs, which might do the same thing you want to... I don't know though, because I am not very familiar with the afp protocol... Here is something that might help...
    – Lektonic
    Commented Nov 30, 2015 at 17:57

1 Answer 1


While afpfs-ng project (I guess it is what you are using) is almost dead, there was a recent GitHub pull-request to afpfs-ng, that solves a segfault (though I'm not sure whether it will solve your segfault).

I would suggest several options:

  • Try to build afpfs-ng from sources.
  • Use sshfs (how to article) as a better maintained alternative in the FUSE-remote-FS world, though you may also try to use smbfs, but it is alien to both OS X and Linux.
  • Use NFS (beware of security risks; I wouldn't advise to setup NFS server on a laptop, for example)
  • Depending on your requirements I can also suggest:
    • FileZilla to access OS X via SSH, but using SFTP protocol.
    • Syncthing or BitTorrent Sync to keep your local files in sync.
    • rsync to copy files ocasionally, or using cron.
    • Dropbox, Google Drive, ...

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