I plan to host a web site, but problem is that different courntries may have varied speed accessing website hosted in north america, for example, China.

therefore, i want to find a solution that host one website with different locations( maybe in asian zone, eurpean zone, north american zone) and when users access website, they will be directed to closest website server so the speed is guaranteed.

Anyone knows whats best way of doing it? any existing comercial solution ?

many thanks

  • Which web serving technology are you using? Apache, nginx or IIS?
    – Burgi
    Commented Nov 20, 2015 at 9:24

2 Answers 2


There is so much that could be stated here, having geographical DNS entries for location is a good option - but I really think you need to read this question. In short I believe there is a master DNS server for a location where the local DNS servers (generally your ISP) update from; not to mention in some situations you can have multiple IP's against a record.

Let's say your DNS is with Digital Ocean; you could have the following:

www.exampledomain.org #Japan #Australia

Employing some third party product (possibly also provided by your website host or DNS provider) when the client asks for the host when looking up a URL it replies with the lowest latency.

I know this is poorly worded, and I will hope that other users will both correct me and improve the answer.

As for obtaining Global Load balancing I will add two examples:

I am in no way affiliated with Incapsula, but you can look at their Global Load Balancing product here or even this product.


Stack Exchange itself uses Cloudflare
You'd think that would be recommendation enough ;-)

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