I’m having troubles connecting to Apache web server that is running inside my VirtualBox Fedora guest OS.

This is my set up:

  • Host: Mac OS X
  • Guest: Fedora 22
  • Network adapter: NAT
  • Apache web server: running on Fedora guest under localhost:8090

On the Mac OS host, I do a netstat:

sebastian$ netstat
Active Internet connections
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q  Local Address          Foreign Address        (state)    
tcp4       0      0         SYN_SENT   
tcp4       0      0         SYN_SENT   
tcp4       0      0      a23-46-123-27.de.http  ESTABLISHED

I can reach the Fedora host through SSH, using I want to reach the webserver that is running on my Fedora guest. I’m trying to do that by entering this into my browser on my Mac host:

What am I doing wrong?

Using a bridged network adapter is no option, due to my network setup.

2 Answers 2


Honestly, netstat is too deep a networking tool for what you are attempting to do. My guess is that you could just connect to the Fedora guest OS directly like this:

If you want to test this connectivity from the command line, just open up the Terminal window and type in the following:

curl -I

That will make an HTTP request but only show you headers. This is a nicer and more efficient way to test an actual HTTP connection since this is a raw, immediate, non-browser-based connection that won’t be cached the same way a browser would cache it.


I solved this with VirtualBox' port forwarding functionality.

  • Host IP:
  • Host Port: 9001
  • Guest IP:
  • Guest Port: 8090

It doesn't matter which value you use for host port, as long as it's used by another service.

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