Aall three above points are matched with my machine....the problem is that after I boot win7 32bit and 64bit(dual) ISO from virtual box (followed all the required steps to make a virtual disk in Virtual Box), selected "64bit" option to install in virtual box, it pops up a message:

select driver to install

After selecting the "Browse" option to load pre-os driver it can't access my local hard disk for the driver location. I have downloaded pre-os driver from Dell official website.

I'm not able to go further steps.

My system type is: 32bit operating system of win8.1, having 64bit processor. Dell Latittude E5520, 2GB of RAM.


1 Answer 1


Looks like there are no cross platform duplicates so I will full quote from AskUbuntu:

Virtualbox supports running a 64-bit guest VM on a 32-bit physical host, but there are some requirements and other caveats:

From the manual:

VirtualBox supports 64-bit guest operating systems, even on 32-bit host operating systems, provided that the following conditions are met:

  • You need a 64-bit processor with hardware virtualization support (see the section called “Hardware vs. software virtualization”).

  • You must enable hardware virtualization for the particular VM for which you want 64-bit support; software virtualization is not supported for 64-bit VMs.

  • If you want to use 64-bit guest support on a 32-bit host operating system, you must also select a 64-bit operating system for the particular VM. Since supporting 64 bits on 32-bit hosts incurs additional overhead, VirtualBox only enables this support upon explicit request.


  • On any host, you should enable the I/O APIC for virtual machines that you intend to use in 64-bit mode. This is especially true for 64-bit Windows VMs. See the section called "Advanced" tab. In addition, for 64-bit Windows guests, you should make sure that the VM uses the Intel networking device, since there is no 64-bit driver support for the AMD PCNet card; see the section called “Virtual networking hardware”.

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