A customer wants a special format of a date column in excel.

What he wants is that the date (for example 02.06.2014 and formatted as short-date) changes to a number (41792) when the format changes to General.

Unfortunately, my date column doesn't change the value at all when the format is changed from short-date to general...

Do you know how it is possible to achieve this?

Thanks in advance

1 Answer 1


What your customer is trying to tell you is that however you're generating dates is ending up with a character string instead of a date value that Excel understands.

If the text format of your date column is because you are typing periods into Excel when entering dates: STOP. Enter dates with slashes and Excel will recognize it as a date:

"9/1/2015" typed into an Excel cell
Just hit Enter. If you click on the cell, you'll see that Excel formatted your entry as a Date for you.

Excel "Date" format

If you are somehow generating this spreadsheet from another program, you'll have to ask another question about how to output Excel-friendly dates from that program, but the bottom line is that it'll have to be a number counting the days since Dec 31, 1899 (Jan 1, 1900 is 1 for Excel dates).

To convert the data that has already been generated, see Microsoft's helpful page: Convert dates stored as text to dates.


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